Valiant Integrated Services Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Updated September 2022
This statement is made on behalf of Valiant Integrated Services (“Valiant”) pursuant to the requirements of Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015. Valiant does not tolerate any form of slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, or other similar work environments or practices and is committed to maintaining and improving the processes it has in place to help identify and prevent these abuses from occurring in our business operations or supply chain. Valiant is also committed to identifying, preventing, and addressing actual or potential negative human rights impacts, including without limitation, trafficking of persons, within our sphere of influence.
Valiant fully supports and is aligned with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Global Compact. Valiant complies with applicable legal requirements of the countries in which we have business operations.

This Modern Slavery Statement was approved by Valiant executive leadership and signed by Dan Corbett, Chief Executive Officer.
August 2024
Valiant Integrated Services LLC
Mike Devoto
Authorization and Availability
Our Business, Structure and Supply Chains
Valiant provides services to the US government, NATO members and their Allies in the US, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Asia and empowers the world’s most critical missions by training, equipping, protecting, sustaining, and supporting those who serve. Valiant enables government departments and agencies, global peacekeepers, relief workers, and disaster response teams to complete their missions efficiently and effectively in some of the most complex environments worldwide. Valiant deploys expertise for customers in the areas of Training, Simulation, and Readiness; Engineering and Analysis; Logistics and Sustainment; Mission and Contingency Operations; and Operations, Maintenance, and Management.
Valiant is privately owned and has its head office in Herndon, Virginia with regional offices in Clarksville, TN; Orlando, FL, San Diego, CA; and Dubai, UAE and operations across the United States, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific.
The wide range of services Valiant provides and the locations in which we operate create supply chains that are highly varied in the potential risks associated with possible labor-related abuses. We therefore focus our efforts on preventing abuses in such supply chains according to the differing levels of risk.
Our Relevant Policies and Procedures
Valiant is committed to maintaining a culture of ethics, integrity, and compliance as well as fostering safe and respectful workplaces. Accordingly, Valiant’s Code of Business Ethics and Conduct lays out the expectation that our employees do business with integrity and obey the letter and spirit of applicable laws.
Valiant maintains a third-party administered ethics hotline which allows employees to report any misconduct, including anonymously, 24 hours a day, every day of the year with interpretation in over 150 languages. Valiant promotes a “Speak Up” culture and has zero tolerance for any retaliation, direct or indirect, against an employee who raises a concern.
To encourage employees to report concerns and ask questions, and understand applicable rules related to slavery and human trafficking, Valiant maintains the following policies and procedures:
Code of Business Ethics and Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Raising Concerns and Non-Retaliation
Human Rights and Combatting Trafficking Policy
Gifts and Anti-Bribery Policy
Global Procurement Policy
Procurement Procedure Manual
Third Party Due Diligence Procedure
Risk Management Procedure
Our Due Diligence Processes
Valiant requires all suppliers to adhere to our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct or an equivalent policy. Our Code specifically requires our business partners to comply with all applicable laws and regulations including those covering labor, bribery, corruption, and human trafficking. We expect them to adhere to both the letter and spirit of the law.
Our suppliers must respect the rights of all human beings and work to ensure their supply chains are not subject to human trafficking, slavery, indentured servitude, child labor, or other illegal or unethical labor conditions.
Prior to entering into a business relationship with a third-party entity or individual, Valiant conducts reasonable due diligence including use of third party screening tools. For any business operating in a higher risk environment, additional diligence using the above solutions will be conducted tailored to the identified risk.
Each Valiant employee is required to take the annual Code of Business Ethics and Conduct training, which covers human trafficking and related concerns. Valiant regularly communicates with employees on a variety of legal, ethics, and compliance issues, including slavery and human trafficking regarding resources, as well as the resources to ask questions or report concerns.
Through its active ethics training, robust reporting system and responsiveness to that system Valiant has been able to prevent any aspect of this crime. As it engages further worldwide Valiant will further improve its processes and engagement with its supply chain to ensure its operations continue lawfully and in compliance with international law on this issue.