We partner seamlessly with our customers to deliver critical program services, executing the full continuum of solutions to empower critical missions. From intelligence support to full-spectrum linguistics services, we stand ready to serve.
We drive the entire spectrum of support throughout any mission, regardless of complexity, by integrating a diverse array of expeditionary competencies to facilitate our customers’ global missions. Our employees work side-by-side with government and defense personnel worldwide to ensure we deliver on our customers’ most critical mission requirements.
When our customers face rapidly changing circumstances, Valiant has the capabilities and resources to take on any challenge. Our contingency solutions give our customers superior command of their missions and surroundings, from intelligence, language, and translation services to mission operations support. In addition, Valiant offers every essential skill set to operate a small city, train resident workers, and simulate local languages and economies to meet diverse customer needs.

Critical Mission & Language Support
▸Cooperative Threat Reduction & Mission Assurance
▸Integrated Logistics & Operations Management
▸CBRNE Training & Support
▸Embedded Linguist Support
▸Interpretation, Translation, Transcription, & Localization
▸Mission Assurance
▸Digital Vulnerability & Risk Mitigation
▸Threat Reduction
▸Mission Operations Support